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Co-Curricular (½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool)

Sport & Other Co-Curricular Activities

Active participation in sports and various co-curricular activities contributes significantly to the holistic development of the entire ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool community – encompassing students, staff and families. It fosters the enhancement of relationships, the development of character, teamwork, skills, and physical fitness. Students’ overall wellbeing and academic achievements are positively influenced when they engage in activities that extend beyond the classroom.

Waverley College ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool is committed to delivering an inclusive, comprehensive and enjoyable Co-Curricular program. This program is designed to cater for the diverse passions and skills of all students while imparting our core values of respect, compassion, and resilience.

Commitment to any co-curricular activity entails active participation in training sessions, games, and events. At the ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool, sport is compulsory in summer and winter, and students are expected to prioritise their school sporting commitments over any other co-curricular activities or external/club engagements.

Summer Co-Curricular

  • Art Club
  • Basketball
  • Cantores
  • Chess Club
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country
  • Hip Hop
  • Home Learning Club
  • Innovation Club
  • Judo
  • Run Club
  • Spanish Club
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Touch Football
  • Water Polo

Winter Co-Curricular

  • Art Club
  • AFL
  • Athletics
  • Chess Club
  • Debating
  • Football
  • Hip Hop
  • Home Learning Club
  • Innovation Club
  • Judo
  • Public Speaking
  • Rugby
  • Run Club
  • Spanish Club
  • Swimming
  • Track & Field


Waverley College ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool is a member of IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia). This association provides a basis for our inter-school competitions, including Saturday sports and carnivals. Selected high achieving swimmers, athletes and players of each sport are chosen to represent Waverley at IPSHA Carnivals and Sport Trials throughout the year. If successful, they progress to trialling for NSW CIS representative teams (Combined Independent Schools).

Swimming and Athletics Squads

The Swimming and Athletics teams compete in an IPSHA competition. The swimming season begins early Term 1, and those interested are encouraged to try out for the squad. The swimming team will be selected from their results at the ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool Swimming Carnival.

Similarly, the athletics squad is open to those interested, with a team being chosen from the Athletics Carnival. The athletics season begins in August/September.

Carnivals and House Colours

½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool students are allocated a House early in the year. Our Houses are named after past Headmasters of the College. Representing their Houses, students compete in Athletics and Swimming Carnivals each year, where parents are invited to spectate. We encourage students to wear their House shirts on these days.

  • Aungier = red
  • Brennan = royal blue
  • Conlon = emerald green
  • Green = bottle green
  • Lacey = maroon
  • O’Connor = black
  • Quinn = sky blue
  • Tevlin = gold

Sport Trials

Summer Sport Trials will occur in Week 1, Term 1 each year. Your son will have already nominated his sport preferences, and the trial system allows him the opportunity to trial for the team that best suits his skill level and attitude. Please Note: all boys will make a team, however it may not be their first preference. We strongly encourage all boys to put in some preparation over the holiday period to ensure they give themselves the best chance of making their preferred sport. The process is the same for the Winter Season, with the winter sport trials being held towards the end of Term 1.

>>Selection processes can be read here:


>>Click here for the current Training Schedule

Once allocated to a team, your son will be required to train twice a week. In most cases, training will be held after school from 3pm-4.30pm, with students being walked to their training location by their coach and dismissed from that location at the conclusion. Some teams do train from 7.00-8.15am due to the availability of facilities. Please be aware of where your son will be training and where he is to be picked up or dropped off. Students are expected to maintain high levels of focus and attention during training, with respect for coaches and peers at all times. Consequences for poor behaviour at training include restorative conversations and referral to the Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool) for further action if necessary. 


2025 (T1) JS Summer Draw.docx

Remember to keep an eye on the fixtures each week, which are also sent out via the Waverley App and contain important updates that may vary from the draw.

>>Click here for ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool Sport Venue Maps

The ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool expects boys and their spectators to represent the college with pride at all games, home and away. Students are expected to arrive at their games at a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start time, dressed in correct attire with plenty of water. The Code of Conduct (link below) outlines detailed expectations of players, spectators and coaches. Any complaints should be directed to Ms Jade Sparks – Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool) at jsparks@waverley.nsw.edu.au. Because we value respect at the ½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool, consequences for students behaving poorly at games will be dealt with by the Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool). Outstanding player performances will be celebrated with awards at the end of each season.


If your son will be absent for training or a game, please enter the absence on the Parent Portal. Students who are absent from school on any particular day will automatically be entered as absent for that afternoon’s training session. If a student is unexplained absent from 2 or more training sessions or games, parents will be notified about further action. Up to two exemptions may be granted upon email request to Ms Jade Sparks – Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (½Û×ÓÊÓƵSchool) at jsparks@waverley.nsw.edu.au.

Wet Weather Information

Wet weather information is made available on the Waverley College App after 7am each Sports Saturday. If weekday training is cancelled, boys will be asked to make their own way home as usual at 3pm. This will be relayed via the Waverley College App which is updated at 2pm, or before 7am for morning training. Ensure you make a wet weather plan with your son.

Visit your App store to download the Waverley College App. Just search for Waverley College.


Code of conduct